Saturday, December 19, 2015

This and That, Holiday Edition

Hi Everyone,

I hope all is going well(ness) for you and yours during this hectic but fun time.  I wanted to get the December post out now, before too many of the festivities begin, in case you wanted to try to make it through everything with little to no weight gain, yet still have fun. So, here are some tips to help steer you towards more mindful eating at the holiday festivities.  I'm sure you've heard of all or most of them before, but a little review might be helpful:

*First of all, just tell yourself that you will be more mindful of your choices.  That's not to say that you shouldn't enjoy yourself and try a taste of everything.  If you want something, you should not deny yourself, because it will most likely come back and haunt you during a moment of weakness later, when you feel deprived of all the fun.  So, have a taste of anything and everything, just be mindful, and not overdo, unless you want to.  Remember my mother's saying:  The first bite of something is always the best part.

*Bring a tasty, attractive, healthy dish.  Here are some suggestions: Roasted vegetables, fruit kabobs, shrimp that you dip into cocktail sauce, deviled eggs made with light mayo, an assortment of nuts (still in the shell), vegetables and hummus, baked chips, a bowl of lowfat popcorn, tuna (mixed with lowfat mayo) and crackers, grilled tropical fruit to dip into Greek yogurt**, a large beautiful yogurt parfait layered with fresh fruit and lowfat granola or crumpled graham crackers.

*Eat a light and healthy snack before you go, so that you are not famished when you get there.

*Make a smart beverage choice, water being the best one, of course, but no need to deprive yourself of alcohol or some other festive beverage.  Consider alternating your beverage choice with a glass of water.  One wine, one water, and so on.  Something that has always helped me is to bring my own wine - those small one serving bottles.  That will keep you from pouring a glass of wine that is really the equivalent of two glasses.

*Peruse the entire buffet table before taking a plate and serving yourself.  Decide what you want to try, and what you can really do without.  Weight Watchers International always suggests that you ask yourself this question before selecting an item, "Is it worth it?" If you have to ask that question, then perhaps these would be the items you would take only a taste of, instead of an entire serving.

*Choose a seat far away from the buffet table.  Concentrate on having engaging conversations vs. concentrating on the food.

*Consider wearing something more fitted, rather than looser-fitting clothing.  That might be a reminder that you don't want to gorge and be uncomfortable.

*Exercising before and after an event helps, of course, but remember that the caloric intake is much more important when trying to lose or maintain weight.  If you do exercise, try an interval workout, and rev up that metabolism.  Here's a simple one I like to do:  Stationary bike, 30 seconds at a normal pace, followed by thirty seconds of pedaling as hard as I can.  Do this for 30 minutes. No need to add a lot of resistance.

*And, if you don't wish to put limits on yourself, or think about it too much, give yourself permission to have whatever you'd like. But, promise yourself that you'll get back to a healthy lifestyle at the very next meal.

I hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday season.  

Take good care,


**You can make chocolate yogurt by mixing a 6 oz. serving of plain Greek yogurt with 2 tsp. raw honey and 1 tsp. unsweetened cocoa powder.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Healthy Holidays!

Hello to everyone, and to the holiday season!  Oh yeah, hello to the wind and rain, too. Ish. 

On a brighter note, here are some thoughts to help with the season.

If you'll be dining out more than usual:
*Red Robin has a petite burger that you can ask for. Maybe other places have that choice too, or the choice of an “unwich”, a burger with a lettuce leaf bun.

*Ask your server to bring just ½ the amount of fries.

*Order first, so you won't be tempted by what others order.

*Ask if you can order from the kids’ menu.

*If you’re hoping to have some dessert, ask someone to split a sandwich with you.

*Order a side of steamed vegetables with your meal, for added fiber, health, and fullness.

*If you do have a larger than usual meal, try to get back on track at the very next meal.

Other ideas for coping with some of the stresses of the season:

*Have fun with exercise by setting up a rule during a favorite TV  show.  For example, every time a certain actor sits, you have to do 20 sit-ups.  Or, every time a certain athlete makes (or misses?) a basket, you have to do 10 pushups. I met one gal whose family plays empty kleenex box football on the commercials.

*Find a motivating quote or photo and use it as a screen saver.

*If you’re hosting, and  you don’t wish to keep certain leftovers around the house, purchase containers at the $1 store, so you're ready to send items home with people.

*Instead of purchasing fund raising treats, offer to give a donation instead.

*Maybe now is the time to request that stand-up computer station at work, or at home.  Here's a link to one I found on Amazon for a little over $57: You'll need a mat to stand on, too.  Here's one for a little under $14: .

*Consider purchasing gifts that help get people moving, or socializing more.

*Rather than treating yourself or someone else with food, consider something else that will bring a smile – flowers? A magazine? A massage?

Here are some thought-provoking quotes for those of us who struggle with self-control, perhaps especially during the holidays:

"I am my problem, but also my solution."

"You'll never get what you truly deserve if you remain attached to what you're supposed to let go of."

And, for those of us who need to forgive:

"Grace happens when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back."

Have a wonderful and positive holiday season. "Life is about giving.  When you take your eyes off yourself, life is a lot better." - Kelly Boyd




Thursday, October 22, 2015

Are You Proactive About Your Health and Wellness?

Hello Everyone.  Have you been enjoying the delights of autumn?  I hope so.  My topic this month might sound preachy, but my posts are as much for me as they are for others.  I could stand to be more proactive at times. Wellness is a continuum, and something to constantly work on.

Let me list the various areas of wellness, and what I think proactive behavior would look like in each area.  I’ll make it a survey, so we can score points and see how we're doing.

Here is the point system for answers:

I never do that – 0 points
I do that sometimes – 1 point
I do that all of the time – 2 points

If interested, get out a piece of paper, and number it from 1-25.  Here we go!

Personal Maturity:
*_____1. If I find myself talking negatively to myself, I stop and rephrase, making the statement more positive.

*_____2. When I want to improve in some area of my personality, (such as trying to gossip less, or trying to not stretch the truth), I make a conscious effort to keep myself in check.

*_____3. I am optimistic about myself and life in general.

*_____4. I try to develop good habits and get rid of bad habits.

*_____5. I accept compliments that I am given, and also take the opportunity to give others sincere compliments.

Emotional Maturity:

*_____6. I make sure to discuss things that concern me, either with a friend, a professional, or by writing in a journal.

*_____7. I try not to worry or perseverate about things, telling myself it doesn't do much good anyway- tomorrow is a new day.

*_____8. I have a hobby or activity in my life that I am passionate about.

*_____9. I keep my temper under control.

Physical Maturity:

*_____10. If I have a prescription, I make sure I never let it run out, before ordering a refill.

*_____11. If I say I want to work out more, then I make sure it happens.

*_____12. I exercise moderation in my eating habits, making sure I have a healthy diet 90% of the time.

*_____13. I follow seat belt, helmet, and life jacket, and driving rules. 

*_____14. I am proactive about trying to get enough sleep every night.

*_____15. I use alcohol in moderation.

*_____16. I seek medical treatment as soon as I notice that something isn't quite right.

*_____17. I wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, on exposed areas, daily.

*_____18. I keep up with all of the 'tests' that are suggested for someone my age. (Examples:  colonoscopy, pap smear, prostate check, blood tests, skin checks, etc.)

Social and Ethical Maturity:

*_____19. I keep in touch with those I love on a regular basis.

*_____20. If I have a problem with a family member or friend, I try to resolve that problem.

*_____21. I do not judge people by their looks, or their status in life.

*_____22. I look for opportunities to help those less fortunate than myself.

*_____23. I look people in the eye and smile frequently.

Intellectual Maturity:

*_____24. I try to read regularly, or work on other activities that stimulate my brain.

*_____25. I look for opportunities to use my creativity.

Here's what your score might mean:

Total of 45-50 points = "Ms. or Mr. Proactive!!!"
Total of 40-44 points = You might need to pay a little more attention to your health.
Total of 35-39 points = Maybe you need a push in the right direction.
Less than 35 points = Put 911 on speed dial.  You might need it.

Have you ever noticed that the word HEAL is in the word HEALTH?  Enough said.  I hope you found the survey worth your time.

Take good care,


Thursday, September 24, 2015

More of This and That

Hi Everyone,

Happy Fall! I wonder if you are enjoying the simple pleasures that come with fall - the freshness in the air; and the sights, sounds, smells and tastes that you haven't experienced for awhile.  Does it put an extra bounce in your step?  It sure give me a lift, and puts a smile on my face.  I especially love taking bike rides this time of year.

Here are some random quotes and/or pieces of information that I would like to share with you this month:

*A pretty sobering thought about drinking, (or taking drugs): It's the only thing that you don't get better at the more you do it.

*Never use money to measure wealth.

*Don't fear moving slowly forward.  Fear standing still.

*Treat your body like it belongs to someone you love.

*When most adults eat out compared to eating at home, they consume about 200 more calories.  Just think, if you did that three times a week, that's 600 extra calories. After 52 weeks, (one year), that's 31,200 extra calories, which translates to a gain of almost nine pounds. One way to keep calories more in check is to only go 'off' your regular diet (whether at home, or at a restaurant) when it's your birthday, anniversary, or some other special occasion.

*Next time you reach for that fancy espresso drink, or some other sweet drink, like a soda, remember this:  It only takes two sugar-sweetened beverages per week to raise your risk of suffering a stroke by 19%, as opposed to drinking almost none.

*Next time you're boiling pasta, consider tossing some fresh vegetables into the very same pot.  Not only does that make your dinner healthier, you have one less dish to wash!

* Remember this number - 135.  As a suggestion by researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, that's the minimum number of minutes per week of moderate-intensity exercise recommended to reap the anti-depressant effects of physical activity. That's only a little less that 34 minutes of activity four times a week.  Sounds doable!

All for now.  Have a fun October.  Will you dress up for Halloween?  Time for me to consider this year's costume!


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Things I'm Loving Lately

Hello Again!

I wanted to post something a little earlier in the month this time, because (happily) I'll be in Texas during the last week of August, visiting my daughter and granddaughters.

There is a blogger listed on this blog page, Carrots 'N' Cake, who writes a post pretty much every Friday about things she has been loving lately.  So, I thought I'd share some of the things that have put an extra bounce in my step lately.  I'd love to hear some of the things you are loving lately as well.

First, my absolute favorite kind of protein bars:  Pure Protein. I like: that they have a LOT of protein, and therefore fill me up; the variety of tasty flavors; that they do NOT taste like cardboard; and, the fact that Costco sells them.  Calories?  180-200.

I have also discovered this fat free milk, made by Lucerne, that has added protein, half as much sugar,and has a longer shelf life than it's non-protein-added counterpart.
Here's a hair care product that I discovered recently.  "It's a 10 " has become so popular that I know that my Safeway doesn't have it out on the shelves.  You have pick up a piece of paper that describes it, and then take it to the cashier, who then gets it from behind the customer service counter.  I spray it on after towel drying my hair. It is an excellent (and somewhat expensive) leave-in conditioner.  I swear it works!
Simple pleasures.  Don't you just love it when you walk by something and just have to take a picture of it because it brings a smile to your face:  Here are a few things that caught my eye recently.  These flowers were growing right next to the parking lot at my gym.
And, speaking of the gym, I could marry the outdoor pool if it was a person.  Here it is, ready for someone to just walk into it and have it all to herself.  Talk about a Simple Pleasure.
This one might seem like a no-brainer, but I love my ice water.  I decided awhile ago that I'd start making sure I always had a container of ice water close at hand.  It really makes a difference, as I have noticed, when you practice drinking water more frequently, and then find you have forgotten to grab your container.  Hydrating can be addicting, I think, and is such a healthy practice, especially if you're eating a lot of salty foods, if the weather has been exceptionally warm, and if you're working out.  I don't take the time to do this, but I know some people experiment with adding fruit slices, or cucumber slices, for a little variety.
I haven't invested in one of these yet, but I'm loving that it's now available:  a waterproof iPod.  Well, actually I saw on Amazon that you can just buy a waterproof pouch for your iPod, but I don't trust myself to keep it sealed completely.  Anyway, how cool is that - to swim while listening to tunes!
And, finally, one thing I'm loving is looking forward to a trip somewhere.  Sometimes I think the anticipation of something is often more enjoyable than that actual event, whatever it might be. That's not to say that the activity is a let down, but rather that it's always fun to have something to look forward to, and to prepare for.  I hope there's something on the horizon that you too are looking forward to, or at least a simple pleasure or two that comes to mind or crosses your path each day.

Take care,


Thursday, July 30, 2015

Do You Appreciate Your Body?

Hello Everyone,

This month I wanted to address body appreciation.  We are taught to be humble, so we certainly don't go around bragging about our toned abs, strong legs, thick shiny hair, high cheek bones, etc. On the contrary, sometimes we discuss things about ourselves that we aren't happy with:  beer belly; big ears or nose; bird legs; thunder thighs; flabby arms; varicose veins; pontoon feet - you get the drill.  It doesn't help when family joins in and gives us nicknames related to our shortcomings.  Again, it's perhaps an effort to keep a person humble.

But, shouldn't we change the way we think?  Shouldn't we be thankful for what we have, and what our body does for us?  I have a friend who has been in a wheelchair ever since a debilitating accident 15 years ago.  I don't hear him complain about not having the use of his legs. As a matter of fact, he's simply grateful to be alive, and makes the most of every day.

When you find yourself starting to say something negative about yourself, try to stop, check yourself, and turn it into something positive.  Example:  "I hate my legs!"   Instead, say:  "I'm so grateful to my legs for holding me up, and taking me so many places all these years." 

Consider practicing 'body gratitude' this month, and see if it doesn't just help make your outlook more optimistic. Practice replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

Take care,


Friday, June 26, 2015

Helpful Fitness and Dieting Insight

Hello Again,

I thought I'd write my June post while sitting in my air-conditioned house.  What a heat wave. All the more reason to get an outdoor workout done first thing in the morning!

I'd like to share some things I've been reading about that have been helpful to me:

*If you are taking a daily vitamin, drop one in a cup of water. If it doesn't dissolve completely within one hour, maybe it contains cheap fillers that don't break down in the body, which means you might be missing out on some important nutrients, and need to replace it with a different one.

*Weight training helps improve body satisfaction.  Start thinking of the weight room as the weight-loss room!  Also, remember that using free weights over using the machines means that you will engage more muscle fibers.  In one study of two groups of dieters, over a ten week period, the group that lifted weights lost nine extra pounds of fat over the group that did not weight train.-European Journal of Applied Physiology

*Do you want to know what is the #1 slim down move you can make?  Declare the kitchen off-limits after dinner.  (Well, maybe trips to the Dairy Queen after dinner should also be off limits.)  Besides the fact that it will lead to weight gain if you snack after dinner, eating late can cause you to toss and turn, which can lead to sleep loss. Sleep loss can elevate your level of ghrelin-an appetite stimulation hormone.  Hungry after dinner?  Try a cup of tea.  Sill hungry after 30 minutes?  Go ahead and have a 100-200 calorie snack, one with protein and carbohydrates.  How about a cup of milk?

*When negative thoughts come to mind, try picturing whatever it is going past you on a conveyor belt. 

*Some women wear their sports bras under their work clothes, as a reminder to go straight to the gym after work.  Sorry men, I guess this tip is gender specific! 

All for now!  Wishing you wellness.


Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Suggestions for How to Stick to Health and Fitness Goals

Hello Everyone,
I was hoping to report that I've given blood since I last posted, but when I went to donate, my hemocrit was too low, so I'm taking iron, and hope to try again in a few weeks.  On to this month's post...

I would like to discuss some information that I recently came across:

*52% said there wasn't enough time to exercise.
*36% said exercise was too boring.
*19% said they were too overwhelmed with choices & options.
*17% said they weren't seeing results.

#1 Reason:  Not enough time.  I'm sorry, but I have to call BS on that one.  OK, I know I'm a fitness fanatic, but really, if a person truly wants to accomplish a goal, he or she will find a way to do just that.  If there's time to watch TV, there's time to work out.  Here are my suggestions:
*No time or money or desire to join a gym?  Get a recumbent bike and read the paper, or watch TV while riding it.  Or, work out using calisthenics and hand weights during the commercials.  Have a few exercise DVDs on hand. There are probably some at the local library.
*A workout should be at least 30 minutes, non-stop, but if that isn't possible, try two 15 minute or three 10 minute sessions.  Even if a lunch break is only 30 minutes long, someone can take 20 minutes for lunch and then walk for 10 minutes.  It's all about having a pro-active mindset.
*Just working out for 4 of the 7 days of the week is an excellent start.  Most working people have two days off.  Use some unscheduled time from those two days to plan something active.
*Put a bag with workout gear in the car, so there's no excuse for not going to the gym or for a quick walk, if a window of opportunity, even 15 minutes, presents itself.

Reason #2: Exercise is too boring.
*Give it time.  It probably takes an out-of-shape person about 3 weeks on a new fitness program to feel really good physically, but the mental lift should happen immediately.  (Remember, people don't regret a workout). So, maybe a new form of exercise is in order.  Try taking a look at all of the opportunities out there, from classes at the gym; to classes through community education; to hiking trails to discover; to walking, running or cycling groups to join.  I truly believe there's an activity out there for everybody.
*Also, choosing a variety of activities is important.  There's less chance for boredom; it will help build overall muscular endurance; and, because you're strengthening more of the tendons and ligaments that support the joints, there is less chance of injury.
*Try finding just the right beat and type of music to match your movements. There are even water-proof iPods out there!
*Use exercise equipment at home to catch up on your taped shows.

Reasons #3 and #4: People say they are overwhelmed with choices and options, and feel like they aren't seeing results.
 *Maybe the overwhelmed feelings come with trying to eat more healthfully.  And, yes, that can be very overwhelming.  Try eating clean.  Cut out processed foods. The internet is such a wonderful tool for researching options, support groups, and recipes.  Some people might feel the need for one-on-one supervision with a dietician, or a support group that meets in person, like Weight Watchers.
*Not seeing results? Key in to how much better you feel, and how proud you are after making it through a day on your  new plan.  Make charts. Keep a journal. Take your measurements every few weeks. Text back and forth with a friend/loved one about your day.  I'm going to use a blood test to see if I've lowered my bad cholesterol number.  It doesn't always have to be about a number on the scale.
*Make sure goals are very specific.  Instead of just wanting to lose weight, or get into shape, this would be more focused:  I am going to work out for at least 30 minutes, non-stop, at least 4 days a week. Try getting a workout in as early in the day as possible, too. 
*When working on fitness, try not to miss more than one or two days in a row.  I visualize my metabolism being warm and revved up for 24 hours after a workout.  So, I try to be consistent in order to keep my engine running efficiently. This visual cue really helps me. 
*We have become a society that hungers for instant gratification.  Maybe it's time we sat back and just enjoyed the moment(s) a little more.

Well, as usual, the time I have spent writing/researching my post has helped me in my own wellness journey.  I hope it has also helped you, or at least given you ideas for how to help others.
I wish you and yours a positive and healthful life.


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Something to Consider

Hi Everyone.  I recently accompanied my dear friend while she received two units of blood.  It dawned on me that I have NEVER given blood.  I’ve received transfusions, after surgery, and entertained the idea of donating blood, but have never followed up on that thought.

So, I asked the nurse if there was a shortage of blood at the blood bank.  She remarked that there are peaks and valleys.  She said that she’s always aware of the valleys, because her husband gets a phone call urging him to donate.  His blood type is O-, the type that can be a universal donor.  

How many of us even know our blood type? I think blood type should be listed on a person’s driver’s license.  I’m proud to say my children have donated blood on numerous occasions.  I need to get with it!

Here is some information about blood types:
*There are 4 main blood types:  A, B, AB, and O. 

*Each of the blood types are either Rh-positive (+) or Rh-negative (-).
*Only about 15% of the population is Rh-, which means that those people lack a certain protein on their red blood cells.

*If you are Rh+, you can receive blood that is either Rh+ or Rh-.

*If you are Rh-, you can only receive blood that is Rh-.
*The majority of the population is either O+ (38%),  or A+ (34%).  The other types are:  O- (7%),  A-  (6%),  B+  (9%);  B-  (2%),  AB+  (3%),  and AB- (1%).
*Someone who is AB+ is a universal recipient.  He/she can receive any type of blood.
There are a few circumstances where you cannot give blood:
*If you are anemic.
*If you had a tattoo or skin piercing in the last four months.
*If you aren't feeling well.
*If you've had an infection in the last few weeks.
*If you've had antibiotics in the last 7 days.
*If you have or had a heart condition.
*If you travelled outside the country within the past 6 months. 
I'm sure there are other extenuating circumstances, but those were the general ones.
I hope that in next month's post I'll be reporting to you that I finally donated blood.  :-)   Would any of you like to share this goal with me?
Wishing you happiness and good health,





Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Looking Back One Year

Hi Everyone.  Happy Almost Easter.  Think back to last Easter.  How were you doing as far as taking care of your health?  Are you doing better this year?  The same?  Worse?  It's good to stop and check ourselves once in awhile, and perhaps kick ourselves in the butt, if necessary. Or, pat ourselves on the back.  Our health should be our top priority.

Anyway, I want to share something interesting that I read about the other day.  There was a study of 660 people in Texas, Kentucky and Maryland.  The upshot of the study was that if you are over 60, and doing OK mentally at that point, you can enhance your "episodic memory" by having 1-2 cocktails.  That's news to me!  Episodic memory is the ability to bring events to mind, whether they are recent happenings, or events from long ago.  The thought is that moderate alcohol consumption might promote generation of new nerve cells in the hippocampus- the brain area considered critical for episodic memory.  The link between the moderate alcohol consumption and the episodic memory improvement was revealed through reviewing the participants' alcohol consumption, demographics, neuropsychological evaluations, MRIs of their brains, and whether or not they were genetically at risk for Alzheimer's.  Researchers warned, however, that having five or more drinks an any one occasion would do the brain more harm than good.  (Well, now, duh).--From Dr. Andrew Weill's Daily Health Tips, (an excellent blog to follow).

It really bothers me when people make such a big deal about aging, inferring that it means you're going downhill. You could actually improve your health as your age.  As a matter of fact, your "golden years" could be just that--golden, because you are finally taking care of you!  By just losing 10% of your body weight, (which, obviously, for a 200 pound person is only 20 pounds), you can reap the following benefits:

*Better blood pressure and heart health.
*Lower cholesterol.
*Less risk for diabetes.
*Better sleep, (if you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea).
*Less joint and back pain.
*Improved breathing.
*Less risk for colon cancer.
*Less risk for breast cancer.
*A healthier and happier gallbladder.
*More energy.
*Improved self-esteem.

So, instead of setting an overwhelming weight loss goal, why not just shoot for 10% ?

I hope this finds you well and happy. If you ever want someone to help support you through a wellness goal, I encourage you to reach out to someone.  My sister and I have texted each other daily, for 7 months now, reporting on how we're doing regarding food intake and exercise.  It has really helped us.  Happy Easter!


Thursday, February 26, 2015

This and That

Hi Everyone,

How is the year going so far?  Don't blink, you might miss the end of February!  Sheesh, where does the time go?

Speaking of time, if you're having a hard time motivating yourself to tackle a nutrition or exercise goal, or both, remember that it will indeed take time to see results.  After all, having good health habits shouldn't be a temporary thing, but instead, a lifelong journey you take.  And, if you are trying hard to improve in those areas, remind yourself that it took time to put on the extra weight, or to get into poor shape, and therefore it will take time to reverse it all as well.  And yet, if indeed you follow through, you'll look back on that journey as something that really wasn't that hard, (once you made up your mind to go for it), and that it didn't really take as much time as you thought it would.  I know, sounds kind of contradicting, but bear with me, please.  Remember when you thought you'd be in school forever?  And now, look back at your high school years. Doesn't it seem like a really short time in your life?

Anyway, as usual, I digress.  Here is what I would like to share, from going through my little notebook where I paste healthful magazine clippings and write notes from Weight Watcher meetings.  Tidbits of information that caught my eye:

*"Life is far too rich, interesting, and short to waste on hating your body."-Author Unknown

*"Change will only happen when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain to change."-Author Unknown

*Don't say, "I can't".  You'll feel deprived.  Say, "I choose...".

*Try having "reverse leftovers".  If you eat a larger meal in the middle of the day, take the leftovers (maybe adding a soup or salad), and have them for dinner.

*However, some people think if they eat later in the day, they'll gain weight.  This is not true, if you have not yet had the quota of calories that your body requires per day, you can eat those calories whenever you want.

*But, if you want to even out your blood sugar and crank up your metabolism, dole your meals out into 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day--it will keep your body from thinking it's starving.  Having your body think that you're starving is NOT the way to lose weight.  It will throw everything off.

*Do you ever put in an exercise DVD at home?  Try wearing your swimsuit next time--that might keep you motivated!

*As has been in the news lately, we need to limit how much we sit.  Limit "sit time" to about two hours a day, if you can.  One study checked the blood sugar (glucose) of thousands of women and found that for every hour spent watching TV, the blood sugar levels rose.  What happens to excess glucose?  It ends up as stored fat. 

*But what if your job requires a lot of sit time?  I hope you show my post to your boss and beg for 5 minutes off per hour, to walk around the work area.  You'll probably be happier, and more productive.  Also, consider asking for a stand-up station, or some pedals to put below the desk.  Yes, I'm serious. I guess a person could always just pedal her feet without having any pedals, if need be.

*Do you need something to shoot for?  Sign up for a 5K walk in your area, one that helps raise money for a good cause.  Sounds like a win-win situation to me.

*You've heard this before--drink more water. Well, 75% of each muscle is water!  Divide your body weight by 2 to get an approximate of the # of ounces of water you need daily.  And, if you've ever consciously tried drinking more water, you've probably noticed that you start craving it!

*Prolong satisfaction, plus help lower your levels of bad cholesterol (LDL's) by adding good fats to your salads.  Excellent examples are:  avocado, olives and sunflower seeds. 

*Some people worry that if they start lifting weights, they'll gain more muscle.  No, that number is set for life, but you can increase the size of the muscle fibers, which in turn determines how tight and strong you look.

*And finally, the next time you reach for more food or alcohol, remember that your body has to put the excess somewhere.

I don't pretend to follow all of my suggestions, but researching and sharing them always helps me, selfishly, to improve my own efforts towards increased wellness.  I hope one or more of these suggestions has helped you as well.

Take good care,

Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Good Book for Women

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to stick to my goal of writing a post once a month.  Nothing like cutting it close on this one, since it's January 31st!  At least I was able to take a 10 day cruise in the eastern Caribbean this month.   It was so nice to be in the warm weather and water.  But now, back to reality!  At least we've had some great bike-riding weather this week.  I hope you had a chance to get out and enjoy the nice weather.

So, I got a chance to do a lot of reading while on the cruise, and I'd like to review one of the books I read, hoping you might either want to read it, or at least be able to grab a helpful piece of information from what I'm sharing.

The book is titled, Younger Next Year (for Women), Live Strong, Fit, and Sexy--Until You're 80 and Beyond.  It was written by Chris Crowley, (a seventy-something, retired lawyer from Wall Street), and Henry S. Lodge, MD.  Chris was a patient of Dr. Lodge's and learned from him about how to change his life/health for the better. Each author takes a turn writing alternate chapters throughout the book-Chris giving you the 'This is what it did for me' feedback, plus a lot of good pep talks;  and Dr. Lodge scientifically explaining, right down to the cellular level, why his advice works.

Males writing a book specifically for women?  Well, they wrote one for everybody, but decided to write another book, specifically for women who are in the last third+ of their lives, especially since some scientific information can be geared towards the post-menopausal woman.  You should see all of the yellow highlighting I did in my book!  And, I'd love to go over so much of it here, but I know brevity is needed, so I'll try to keep it short.

Here are Harry's (Dr. Lodge's) Rules: 

1.  Exercise 6 days a week for the rest of your life.

2.  Within those 6 days, four of them should be serious aerobic exercise for the rest of your life.

3.  Also within those 6 days, you should do serious strength training, with weights, two days a week for the rest of your life.

4.  Spend less than you make.

5.  Quit eating crap!

6.  Care.

7.  Connect and commit.

Here are some quotes from the book:
*"Bad things do happen to some older women in America.  Bone loss is a terrible problem.  Heart attacks and strokes are the great killers of women.  Lots more women than men do die broke.  But the terrible things are probably not going to happen to you.  Because the worst things turn out to be voluntary. You do not have to go there.  So don't."

*"70% of aging is do not have to do it.  And you can also skip 50% of all the sickness and serious accidents you'd expect to have from the time you turn fifty to the day you die."

*"70% of premature death is lifestyle-related."

*"Most American women today will live into their mid-eighties or early nineties, whether they're in great shape or shuffling around on walkers."

*"There is an immutable biology of aging, and you can't do anything about it: hair gets gray, gravity takes its toll and movies go to half price.  Your maximum heart rate declines steadily over time, regardless of how active you are. That's big.  Your skin degenerates, too, regardless of lifestyle.  So you will look old, no matter what.  But you do not have to act old or feel old.  That's what counts."

OK.  Enough.  I could say so much more.  This is a well-written and motivating book.  I hope you gained at least one tidbit of knowledge or one inkling of motivation from what I have reported in this post.

Take good care,
