Saturday, December 27, 2014

Healthy Practices

Hi Everyone,

How was your Christmas?  Are you looking forward to a new year?  I know that most people aren't big on New Year's Resolutions, so I will try to steer clear of that topic, although if you would like my personal support with a goal of yours, let me know.  I'm there for you!

I want to approach the topic of healthy practices in general- suggestions for some self-imposed rules I either practice, or want to begin practicing, in my overall approach to wellness.  Maybe you have some of your own that you can share with me.  If so, please send them on!

Here are some healthy practices to consider:
*Try going to bed at approximately the same time every night, and rising at approximately the same time every morning. You don't have to look very far to find the research about how much sleep can affect your well-being. 

*Eat more plants.  My doctor recently gave me this advice regarding lowering cholesterol.  Studies have shown marked improvement when people went from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet.  Bring on the beans!  (And the Beano?)

*Try some form of meditation or deep breathing exercises, to clear out some of the clutter in your mind.  I'm going to try this for about five minutes in the morning, while I wait for the coffee to brew.

*Take on a new hobby or experience.  Hiking?  Book club?  Bowling league?  Cooking class?  Yoga?  Computer class? New experiences keep our spirits up and our minds engaged. I want to start hiking when the weather improves.  For now, I should research about hiking trails in Oregon.

*Plan your next vacation, so you're sure to fit one in.

*Look for an opportunity to volunteer.  Find your niche--is it working with kids?  Pets?  The older generation?  In groups?  One on one?  Inside?  Outside? 

*Put an affirmation or two on a sticky note and place it onto your mirror, computer, or cupboard.  What do you need to start repeating to yourself?  Here are some suggestions:  I am not perfect.  I am lovable even when I have a problem or make a mistake.  I can tolerate the people and things that I don't like. Tune in to any negative self-talk, and then create the affirmation that can reverse it.

*Have a gym bag packed and ready to go, in your car, or by your door.  Or, better yet, consider asking a friend to make an exercise commitment with you, so you can encourage each other.

*Place healthy non-perishable snacks in your car, your desk drawer at work, or your purse or gym bag, to help you make a healthy decision when you discover that your famished.  Suggestions:  Raw nuts, protein or granola bars, baked chips.

*Close the kitchen after dinner. I'm thinking of making an actual "Kitchen Closed" sign for myself, or maybe I should find some of that yellow hazard zone  tape!

*Tune-in to your appestat more--start eating when you're a little bit hungry, and stop when you're feeling slightly full.

*Write a letter to someone, just because.

*Clean and organize some closets and drawers.  It will feel so good, and you never know what you'll find!

*Read more, for pleasure.  Carry a book or electronic reading device with you wherever you go.  You might just find that you're never bored.

*Consider starting an "Optimistic Journal"-- for listing the Simple Pleasures you notice along the way; people and experiences your are grateful for; compliments people have given you; and goals you have achieved. 

*Never allow yourself to go food shopping when you're hungry.  Have a healthy snack first, and shop mostly the perimeter of the store.  When you get home, clean and prepare any fresh vegetables, and store them in see-through containers, placing them at eye level on the shelf inside the refrigerator.

Well, that's enough of a list for now.  Until next month....I hope you enjoy the rest of 2014, and have a great start to the new year.

Wishing You Wellness,


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